Société Générale S.A. is a Frenchmultinational banking and financial services companyheadquartered in Paris. The company is a universal bank and has divisionssupporting French Networks, Global Transaction Banking, International RetailBanking, Financial services, Corporate and Investment Banking, Private Banking,Asset Management and Securities Services.
Société Générale isFrance's third largest bank by total assets, sixth largest inEurope or seventeenth by market capitalization. The company is a componentof the Euro Stoxx 50 stock market index.
TheGroup has a long-term active and generally very discreet support policy. Itssponsorship of rugby is well-known, but its support in other fields such asmusic, contemporary art, disabled sport (as an official partner of theFédération Française Handisport, the French Federation for Disabled Sports) andcorporate citizenship, professional integration and disadvantaged children, isless known