AREVA(阿海珐)AREVA集团是世界500强企业之一,凭借其遍布全球40多个国家的生产设施,以及在100多个国家的销售网络,为客户提供可靠的无二氧化碳气体排放的发电及输配电解决方案。作为核能工业的世界领导者,AREVA集团是该领域内唯一一家能够从事全部相关工业生产过程的公司。 该集团拥有的70000名员工,每时每刻都在各自的工作岗位上尽职尽力,不懈地追求持续进步,并将可持续发展作为集团工业发展战略的核心理念。AREVA集团的全部业务活动,旨在积极应对21世纪的重大挑战:即在满足不断增长的能源需求的同时,保护环境,并对子孙后代负责。
Areva is a French multinational groupspecializing in nuclear power and renewable energy headquarteredin Paris La Défense. Areva is majority owned by the French state, through FrenchAlternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (54.37%), Banquepublique d'investissement (3.32%), and Agence des participations de l'État (28.83%). Moreover, Électricitéde Francewhich French government had a majority ownership, owned2.24%; Kuwait Investment Authority owned 4.82% as the second largestshareholders after the French state.
In 2017 the majority of its reactorbusiness will be sold to Électricité de France.